In Final State of the Union, Obama Lays Out “4 Big Questions” for Future
US President Barack Obama’s final State of the Union addressed trends in globalization long analyzed by YaleGlobal Online: growing global concern and support for policies to stem climate change, the threat of terrorism lurking among civilian populations, increasing reliance on technology and changing nature of work, the need for global cooperation to combat disease, the dangers and distraction of scapegoating others. “In a speech peppered with question marks, Obama challenged the American people to focus on ‘four big questions,’” explains Gregory Korte, for USA Today: How to give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in a new economy? How to make technology work for people and not against? How to keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman? And how to make politics reflect the best of citizens and not the worst. "We live in a time of extraordinary change – change that’s reshaping the way we live, the way we work, our planet and our place in the world," Obama said. “Our unique strengths as a nation – our optimism and work ethic, our spirit of discovery and innovation, our diversity and commitment to the rule of law – these things give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come.” Divisive politics delay solutions and waste resources. The global challenges of the 21st century require cooperation among countries and within. – YaleGlobal
In Final State of the Union, Obama Lays Out “4 Big Questions” for Future
President Obama delivers his final State of the Union address, reminding the world the US is strong, reminding the US it works on a world stage
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Gregory Korte is White House correspondent for USA Today.
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