Forbes: Without “Neutral” Internet, US Workers Could Lose
If the US Federal Communications Commission drops protections on net neutrality, the country's innovation and global competitiveness will decline. Companies and internet users are speaking out to block a proposal by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to roll back the protections: “these so-called "net neutrality rules" establish that internet service providers (ISPs) must comply with Title II telecommunications law requiring that mobile connections, like telephone and broadband service, must offer access without prejudice toward content or user,” explains Janet Burns for Forbes. Pai emphasizes a faster internet with minimal regulation. Burns predicts that could expand the digital divide, leaving more rural and low-income workers without training or resources in a fast-changing world, and non-wealthy Americans would struggle in finding online opportunities. “Around the world, many of the most competitive and high-earning nations have prioritized bringing high-speed internet access to all their citizens, including through the creation of net neutrality laws,” Burns writes. “With regard to their digital strategies, what these countries offer in common is accessibility, regulation, and, in most cases, affordability.” The internet as a tool improves quality of life and is now essential for social and economic development. She urges that it be regarded as a necessity, utility, public service and even human right. – YaleGlobal
Forbes: Without "Neutral" Internet, US Workers Could Lose
Rolling back net neutrality rules for the internet could spell a decline for US innovation, work opportunities and global competitiveness
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Janet Burns covers tech, culture, and other fun stuff from Brooklyn, NY. She also hosts the cannabis news podcast The Toke.
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