The French Dilemma
Amidst the controversy surrounding Turkey’s bid for EU inclusion, France is responsible for the most passionate opposition. Not only does the current government make its position abundantly clear, but most French citizens, regardless of political leanings, are also against Turkey’s inclusion. This opinion piece suggests that the strength of these anti-Turkish sentiments can be attributed to a uniquely French paranoia. In the 21st century, France is no longer the global center of culture and power that it was a mere 50 years ago. Because France has always built its national pride on the fact that it is historically a dominant culture that excels all others, the refusal of Arab and Muslim immigrants to assimilate is a serious challenge to its identity. It seems that France may be mounting a hopeless attack on the forces of globalization out of an instinct for self-preservation. – YaleGlobal
The French Dilemma
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
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