French Voters Fear Globalization

As predicted, conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal captured the first round in the French presidential election that featured globalization as a central issue. According to a survey last year, 64 percent of the French view globalization as a threat to their nation’s commercial autonomy. Yet the election revealed varied perspectives: Some candidates favored globalization, but with emphasis on industry and trade that does not exploit workers. Others were pro-market, hoping to profit from the growing consumer base in China and India. A few opposed the global “economic liberalism” of powerful countries like the US. All the candidates undoubtedly agreed on one issue – preferring that globalization go one way, with French values, culture and ideas spreading about the globe. – YaleGlobal

French Voters Fear Globalization

Angela Doland
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Click here for the original article on The Guardian's website.

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