Friends or Else
China is the world’s second largest economy, rapidly gaining ground on the US. The two nations have a nervous mutual dependence and on issue after issue confront a dilemma about whether to view the other as competitor or partner. “This mix of partnership and rivalry is a recipe for confusion,” notes the Economist in its review of the US-China relationship. Security interests can clash with economic interests, and so for 15 years, the US has relied on a two-track policy, supporting the nation’s rise while pointing out an array of responsibilities that it should shoulder. The dual approach means that some global problems go unresolved. History will determine whether economic power, military might or a system of governance – authoritarianism or democracy – carries more global influence. But there’s no doubt that increasing interconnections and engagement would increase the pain of any conflict. – YaleGlobal
Friends or Else
Living with China’s rise will test America’s diplomacy as never before
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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