Garner’s Challenge
Iraq’s post-war administration, led by former American General Jay Garner, faces difficult domestic and international political challenges as Iraq begins to rebuild. In addition to handling immediate problems such as providing basic services and keeping order, the administration must address potential religious conflict between Sunni Muslims and the Shia majority, as well as international divisions that originated with the decision to go to war without UN approval. UN Security Council members are divided over the role the UN should play, with the US preferring to hold the reins of reconstruction, and countries like France and Germany pushing for a larger UN presence. Some want UN inspectors to confirm that Iraq has no more weapons of mass destruction (WMD) before sanctions are lifted. Whether this is a ploy to dishonor the US or confirm irrevocably the lack of Iraqi WMD, it will only slow down much needed aid to the Iraqi people. –YaleGlobal
Garner’s Challenge
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
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