A Global Age Catastrophe
The South Asian tsunami has captivated headlines and hearts around the world. Is the fascination with this recent catastrophe due to more than the staggering size of the death toll? Perhaps, suggests this Los Angeles Times commentary. The large number of tourists in affected areas magnified the international scope of the disaster. Further, as global news giants rushed correspondents to the scenes, audiences worldwide received glimpses into the aftermath. And accordingly, international aid has begun rolling into the region. Will this tragedy maintain the world's attention? Or will it fade into the background, as the global news outfits exercise their short attention spans? – YaleGlobal
A Global Age Catastrophe
Thursday, January 6, 2005
Click here for the original article on The Los Angeles Times website.
W. Scott Thompson, an adjunct professor on Southeast Asia at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, lives in Bali.
Copyright 2005 The Los Angeles Times