Globalization Rocks, but African Leaders Fail to Understand It

African leaders often describe globalization as an exploitative force keeping Africans in poverty. But in fact, it is the inept and corrupt governments of African countries which are robbing their citizens of the economic freedom to compete in the world market. Many leaders subvert their countries’ constitutions entirely in order to retain power and continue to feather their own nests with international aid payments meant for their citizens. Furthermore, artificially high trade barriers hinder inter-African exchange and the formation of a regional bloc, as well as expanded competition with outside producers and greater access to external markets. As a result, Africa remains, in many parts, unattractive to foreign investors and the everyday citizen cut off from the opportunities of global trade. - YaleGlobal

Globalization Rocks, but African Leaders Fail to Understand It

Franklin Cudjoe
Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Click here for the original article on The Independent Institute's website.

Franklin Cudjoe is head of the Ghanaian think tank Imani: The Center for Humane Education in Accra and an Adjunct Fellow at the Independent Institute. This piece is for the Center on Global Prosperity at the Independent Institute.

Copyright 2005 The Independent Institute