The Greatest Threat

In the fire-breathing style that has become the hallmark of North Korean propaganda, an unofficial spokesman of the country threatened retaliatory attack on the US mainland if Washington decided to hit its nuclear reactor. Not that the US is planning to do that but the danger is that an effective annulment of the 1994 agreement by stopping the supply of fuel oil to North Korea may set in motion reaction that can spiral into an US attack on its reactivated nuclear weapons program. The only alternative to striking North Korea's nuclear plants may be negotiating with them. An unofficial spokesman Kim Myong Chol told New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof "If America tries to knock out Yongbyon, North Korea will retaliate immediately on New York and Washington, wipe out South Korea, wipe out Japan." Kristof says North Korea is taking advantage of the US preoccupation with Iraq to push its advantage and "That leaves only one alternative, holding our nose and negotiating a deal with North Korea (without ever calling it negotiating, and possibly using proxies like China)." - YaleGlobal

The Greatest Threat

Nicholas D. Kristof
Tuesday, October 29, 2002

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