Green Taxes Would Be Good for British Jobs
Consumers don't like paying taxes, but pricing energy in a way that encourages conservation could help the British economy in the long run. The global economy depends on fossil fuels, but countries that lack energy often don't agree with policies of countries that control supplies. Subsidizing fossil fuels delays the development of alternatives. “All of this makes it even more urgent that attention be paid to green policies, as these will not only reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, but dependence on carbon-based fuels,” writes Irwin Stelzer for the Telegraph. A tax on energy would be more productive in terms of jobs and incentives than payroll or income taxes, and Stelzer concludes, “There is a simple rule that should guide policy – tax bads, not goods.” – YaleGlobal
Green Taxes Would Be Good for British Jobs
Dependence on Russian gas and Arab oil is bad for national security, so it makes sense to stimulate non-carbon technology
Friday, February 13, 2009
Click here for the article on The Telegraph.
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