Health of Oceans “Declining Fast”

The International Programme on the State of the Ocean reports rapid deterioration and multiple threats: heating up from climate change, becoming more acidic by absorbing carbon dioxide, expanding dead zones from fertilizer runoff, as well as overfishing and pollution. The report suggests that the world’s oceans have shielded humans from the worst effects of climate change by absorbing so much carbon dioxide, but that is not sustainable. The researchers blast political leaders and policymakers for ignoring the severity of the problem, reports BBC News, and point out “the cocktail of threats facing the ocean is more powerful than the individual problems themselves.” The researchers offer recommendations including political focus, limits on emissions and focused fisheries management. Otherwise, the ocean, as in the past, could contribute to mass extinctions. – YaleGlobal

Health of Oceans “Declining Fast”

IPSO reports that the world’s oceans are deteriorating rapidly, absorbing heat, forced to bear the brunt of climate change and masking the effects on land
Roger Harrabin
Monday, October 7, 2013
Roger Harrabin is environment analyst for BBC News.
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