Herr and Madame, Señor and Mrs.
Trends in international marriages reveal larger trends in globalization, migration as well as public policy. Cross-border marriages are on the rise, yet reliable statistics on cross-border unions are hard to find, since all countries don’t routinely collect data on citizenship of couples. The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population has launched a comprehensive study on cross-border unions. Although international marriages comprise only about 3 percent of all marriages globally, certain countries, particularly in East Asia, are experiencing higher rates of cross-border unions. Reasons for such unions vary, from distorted local marriage markets in Asia to mobile labor markets in Europe, and citizens from wealthy nations, who travel more, are more likely to take an international spouse than those from developing nations. Government policies on marriage, more than those on birth rates, do carry influence. – YaleGlobal
Herr and Madame, Señor and Mrs.
Research casts some light on the extent, causes and consequences of cross-border marriages
Monday, November 28, 2011
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