Holder Promises Snowden Will Face Justice
US Attorney General Eric Holder has accused Edward Snowden, the source behind the National Security Agency leaks, of endangering lives of citizens in the US and those in allied nations, and vows to prosecute the computer technician. In the run-up to the G8 Summit in Northern Ireland, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has said that an agreement was reached with Holder to form a joint US-EU working group to handle questions stemming from PRISM’s disclosure, and that the rights of Europeans cannot be neglected over issues of national security. The agreement came after the South China Morning Post published an interview with Snowden during which he pointed to NSA operations against computers in China and Hong Kong, perhaps as warning for the US government that he possesses other damaging material. Passing information to Chinese or Hong Kong authorities could erode support that Snowden may have in the US. Meanwhile, Congress and presumably security officials are investigating Snowden’s involvement with the Chinese government. – YaleGlobal
Holder Promises Snowden Will Face Justice
US attorney general accuses former security contractor of leaking details on surveillance programs, endangering lives of citizens of the US and its allies
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Click here for the article in the Financial Times.
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