How to Manage the Migrant Crisis
Chaotic management of the refugee crisis will tear Europe apart. The lack of an orderly process frustrates refugees and citizens alike, and many may turn to extremist responses. Then Europe would have little choice but to close borders. “Countries have a moral and legal duty to provide sanctuary to those who flee grave danger,” notes the Economist. “[I]t is in every country’s interest to help – because all of them would be worse off if the EU lapses into a xenophobic free-for-all.” The Economist urges screening applicants before they cross Europe’s orders, aiding host countries in the Middle East, offering a deal to Greece to process refugees in exchange for budget relief. Countries must unite around orderly control of processing and distribution and also find a way to relocate rejected applicants to countries willing to hold them. Allowing refugees to work will improve assimilation. Ultimately, ongoing conflicts ensure the flow of refugees. Talks in Geneva to end civil war in Syria have been suspended, and the United States is considering opening a new front against the Islamic State in Libya. – YaleGlobal
How to Manage the Migrant Crisis
A European problem demands a common, coherent EU policy; the Economist urges let refugees in, but Europe must unite on regulating the flow in an orderly way
Monday, February 8, 2016
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