How Not to Inflame Iraq

Speaking to the UN Security Council in 2003, just prior to the US invasion of Iraq, Iranian Ambassador Javad Zarif warned the world that, “extremism stands to benefit enormously from an uncalculated adventure in Iraq.” As the US prepares to escalate troops in Iraq to confront an ever-growing insurgency, Zarif once again urges Washington to abandon shortsighted schemes, arguing that an “escalated version of the same policy” will only worsen the divide. Nevertheless, however prescient Zarif’s remarks in 2003 may have been, his authority in criticizing US policy is suspect, given the strong possibility that Iran may be funding the Shia militias in Iraq. Furthermore, the Iranian government’s nuclear grandstanding makes its pretensions as a peacemaker in the region dubious. Whatever Iranian intentions, the Bush administration can only hope that the Iranian ambassador will not, once again, be proven right about Iraq. The Iranian ambassador recalls words of George Bush as candidate for US president in 2000: “If we’re an arrogant nation, they’ll resent us; if we’re a humble nation, but strong, they’ll welcome us.” Leaders of both nations could benefit by heeding such advice. – YaleGlobal

How Not to Inflame Iraq

Javad Zarif
Monday, February 12, 2007

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

Javad Zarif is the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations.

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