The Huffington Post: Why Trump’s Strategy to Deal With North Korea Won’t Cut It

North Korea fired another intercontinental ballistic missile in late November, and US President Donald Trump continues calls for China and President Xi Jinping “to crack down on its defiant trading partner with tougher sanctions.” North Korea does not appear to lean toward denuclearization despite Trump’s ongoing promises for “major sanctions.” While Trump counts on Xi and China’s economic influence to slow North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, the end result may have little effect. Experts suggest that any expectations that tougher sanctions on behalf of China would solve the problem are ultimately unrealistic. China has indeed responded to North Korean ICBM testing with restrictions on oil and energy supplies. The Kim Jong Un regime’s response to increased sanctions from the international community has been “aggressive action rather than submission.” The latest ICBM test is reportedly its most technologically advanced, capable of reaching Washington, DC. Experts remind that diplomacy and negotiations are the real options, concluding that “Sanctions will not solve the problem.” –YaleGlobal

The Huffington Post: Why Trump’s Strategy to Deal With North Korea Won’t Cut It

International community faces an uncooperative North Korea, and experts suggest that sanctions are not the solution
Jesselyn Cook
Friday, December 29, 2017

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Jesselyn Cook covers international news at HuffPost. She us a Canadian-American journalist in New York City.

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