Immigration – and the Curse of the Black Legend

In the current US debate on illegal immigration, one argument stresses the threat posed to a unique culture by the “’invasion’” of aliens. Many assume that this culture, as evidenced by the recent push to make English the country’s official language, is based on an Anglo heritage. Many forget that US history includes Spanish exploration and settlement, according to author Tony Horwitz. Prejudices applied to Spanish and Hispanic populations during the early centuries of US expansion are now cast at immigrants, Horwitz contends. The history of the US is the story of overlapping cultures and languages, so embracing diversity represents respect for the nation’s history and not abandonment. – YaleGlobal

Immigration – and the Curse of the Black Legend

Tony Horwitz
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

Tony Horwitz, the author of “Confederates in the Attic” and “Blue Latitudes,” is writing a book on the early exploration of North America.

Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company