Indians Along With Half the World’s Consumers Buy Into Globalization: Survey

More than half the world’s consumers believe that globalization has improved their lives and created new opportunities, according to an ACNielsen global consumer survey. Most of the support for globalization comes from Latin America, with 75 percent, and Asia Pacific, with 70 percent. Six of the top ten countries appreciating globalization were in Asia Pacific, including India and China. French, Finns and Koreans expressed concerns that globalization threatens the viability of local culture and products. Most consumers in Taiwan, the Philippines and Malaysia agree that globalization “enables better understanding and tolerance of other cultures” while eight of the top ten markets worried about globalization threatening local culture come from Europe. Globalization’s biggest supporters in Asia Pacific and Latin America joined Europe’s opponents in expressing concern about globalization’s fast pace, suggesting it changes values and makes life too impersonal, while only about 40 percent of Americans agreed with that sentiment. – YaleGlobal

Indians Along With Half the World's Consumers Buy Into Globalization: Survey

Thursday, August 31, 2006

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