Indonesia’s Canberra Embassy Shut After Scare

The Wednesday morning discovery of an envelope containing white powder left many nerves rattled in the Indonesian embassy in Australia. The toxin belongs to the same related to the bacteria that cause anthrax: "It is not an innocent white powder," said Australian Prime Minister John Howard. Authorities believe that the incident was likely a response to the recent conviction of an Australian citizen on drug smuggling charges – in Indonesia. Clearly, the delivery was carried out with malicious intent. What remains unclear is the potential response of those angered by this act of aggression, particularly in light of the September bombing of the Australian embassy in Jakarta. Militant Islamic group Jemaah Islamiah (JI) had claimed responsibility for that attack, as well as a number of terrorist operations in Indonesia. Will there be an answer to the recent Canberra delivery? – YaleGlobal

Indonesia's Canberra Embassy Shut After Scare

Michelle Nichols
Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Click here for the original article on The Washington Post website.

Additional reporting Adriana Nina Kusuma and Achmad Sukarsono in JAKARTA, James Grubel in CANBERRA, Michael Perry in SYDNEY

© 2005 Reuters