Iran Admits Foreign Help on Nuclear Facility

The UN nuclear watchdog agency – the IAEA – noted many improvements in the quality of information and cooperation Iran gave them during inspections last month. However, environmental samples taken from nuclear facilities outside Tehran tested positive for enriched uranium, a key ingredient in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. In an effort to explain the test results, Iran deviated greatly from earlier stories, claiming that the enriched particles entered the country on contaminated equipment purchased abroad. "In the past, Iran had claimed that the technology was indigenous, and they were quite proud of that," one official noted. "Now they're saying they did get a lot of help." The IAEA suspects that Pakistan supplied the critical technology and parts, putting Washington in a difficult diplomatic position. Thus far, the Bush administration has been reluctant to publicly criticize Pakistan because it has provided vital assistance in the US campaign in Afghanistan. – YaleGlobal

Iran Admits Foreign Help on Nuclear Facility

U.N. Agency's Data Point To Pakistan as the Source
Joby Warrick
Wednesday, August 27, 2003

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