Iran: Bad Tactics or Good Strategy?

In a world of hitherto five official and three unofficial nuclear powers, Iran is keen to join the club, as shown by its non-compliance with the UN Security Council’s resolutions. Although Iran insists that its nuclear program is strictly for peaceful purposes, it has rejected Russian offers to enrich uranium on its territory or in an international center, notes Yevgeny Primakov, the former Russian foreign minister. Meanwhile, Iran continues to give mixed signals to the UN, possibly to buy time for continuing its nuclear program. Russia has threatened to withhold nuclear fuel unless Iran suspends its enrichment program. Despite diplomatic failures on the part of the international community, Primakov does not advise a military solution, as Iran is likely to put up a coherent military resistance. – YaleGlobal

Iran: Bad Tactics or Good Strategy?

Yevgeny Primakov
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Click here to read the article in Moscow News.

Yevgeny Primakov is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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