Iran Condemns “Doomed” Sanctions

The US has imposed strict sanctions on Iran, suggesting that segments of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard contribute to destabilizing neighboring Iraq, increasing availability of weapons of mass destruction, and supporting Islamic fundamentalist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas. “Any business continuing to trade with Iran risks US reprisals,” report Ewen MacAskill and Fred Attewil for the Guardian. The sanctions could further strain the Iranian economy or give Iran’s leaders an excuse for the poor economic performance. Other nations, including China and Russia, criticize the sanctions, suggesting that the action complicates international efforts to convince Iran to end a nuclear program. The international community and some members of US Congress urge diplomacy, expressing wariness about any intentions from the US to wage a military strike against Iran. Meanwhile, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard responds that the sanctions will only strengthen Iran’s resolve to become a regional power. – YaleGlobal

Iran Condemns “Doomed” Sanctions

Ewen MacAskill
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Click here to read the article in The Guardian.

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