Iran to “Reverse Engineer” US Drone

Photos of a US drone, released by Iran, show a relatively intact piece of equipment. Iranian officials claim to have electronically intercepted the aircraft and promise to reverse-engineer the technology and then reproduce it. If necessary, Iran could turn to China for assistance. “The RQ-170 Sentinel drone is one of the most advanced used by the US military and is equipped with technology also used on the US Air Force fleet of advanced fighter jets, the F-22 and F-35,” writes Damien McElroy for the Telegraph. Some analysts question the drone’s authenticity, and others are surprised the US did not add a self-destruct mechanism. The drone in question could even be a Trojan horse or decoy, allowing the capture of far more information than its Iranian holders realize. National security in the modern context is a constant cat-and-mouse game that is situational and psychological, shifting rapidly and relying on stealth, information gathering, gamesmanship and strong international relationships. – YaleGlobal

Iran to “Reverse Engineer” US Drone

Iran claimed that it had begun exploiting a US drone equipped with the latest radar evading technology on Monday as officials warned that the downed machine could be shared with America's rivals, including China
Damien McElroy
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Damien McElroy is foreign affairs correspondent for the Telegraph.

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