Iranians Turn Off State TV After Soap Is Dropped
Iran’s state television network refused to air a television program with a political theme – about an incompetent regime that refuses to admit its errors and bans them from history books. The show starred one of the country’s beloved actors, and the leading director effectively created a “private channel,” by aggressively promoting a DVD version with banners and word of mouth. State television, with its highly limited point of view, struggles to hold the attention of Iranians: Selective state coverage of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s reelection resulted in widespread dissatisfaction and a 40 percent drop in viewers. Iranians increasingly tune in to foreign programming via illegal satellite dishes. Although Iran’s government is famed for its aggressive repression of dissident voices, it has been slow to act against alternative media options, demonstrating a reluctance to test the strength of popular culture and media or stories that carry the ring of truth. – YaleGlobal
Iranians Turn Off State TV After Soap Is Dropped
Iran’s state television takes a back seat to foreign programming
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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