Iraq’s Refugee Crisis

The US and its coalition partners invaded Iraq, but have failed to provide for the 2 million Iraqis displaced since the start of the war. Nearly 15 percent of Iraq’s 26.8 million people have been displaced, with most moving to other parts of their war-torn nation or neighboring Jordan and Syria, and smaller numbers headed to Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt. Poor nations throughout the Middle East cannot sustain large groups of refugees for long, without resentment or conflict. Lacking work permits, access to schools or health benefits, the refugees expect some long-term solution to their dilemma – and look to the US, which organized the invasion in 2003. In the meantime, without the opportunity to attend work or school, disgruntled youth could well become tempting targets for extremists who seek to spread chaos throughout the Middle East. – YaleGlobal

Iraq’s Refugee Crisis

Anna Husarska
Monday, May 7, 2007

Click here for the original article on Project Syndicate's website.

Anna Husarska is senior policy adviser at the International Rescue Committee,

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2007.