The ISIS March Continues: From Ramadi on to Baghdad?

The self-proclaimed Islamic State continues to scratch its way to controlling territory in Iraq, capturing Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar province, after Iraqi troops fled. The terrorist group also made gains in Syria. Such military successes increase the terrorist group’s ability to attract new recruits. The United States and other countries provide support with air strikes, but ground troops must secure territory against Islamic State infiltration. “As with the occupation of Mosul, the fall of Ramadi will have a ripple effect across both the Syrian and Iraqi battlefields,” writes Hassan Hassan for Foreign Policy. “In Syria, Iraqi Shiite militias fighting alongside the Assad regime will feel compelled to return to defend their home country, a move that would further undercut the regime’s ability to stop recent rebel advances.” The United States and Iraq continue to quarrel over reliance on Iranian-supported Shiite militias. Iraq supports such use while the US resists providing air support for some battles involving irregular units. The US expresses concern about adding to Sunni-Shiite sectarian divide. – YaleGlobal

The ISIS March Continues: From Ramadi on to Baghdad?

With fall of Ramadi, anyone suggesting the Islamic State is in decline isn’t paying attention
Hassan Hassan
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Click here for the article in Foreign Policy.

Hassan Hassan is a Middle East analyst and co-author of ISIS : Inside the Army of Terror.  

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