Israel, Palestinians Close to Agreement to Reduce Violence

Newly confirmed US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice began her visit to the Middle East by naming a security coordinator to facilitate the new Israel-Palestine peace process. Rice also held meetings with new Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, highlighting the "hard decisions" both parties must make in the coming months. While Rice underscored Washington's role in establishing lasting peace, both Palestinian and Israeli officials expressed doubts about the extent of the US commitment. "It was a public relations visit," said Palestinian cabinet minister Kadoura Fares. At this crucial juncture in the Mideast peace process, will the United States back its words with action? – YaleGlobal

Israel, Palestinians Close to Agreement to Reduce Violence

Rice Announces U.S. Security Coordinator to Oversee Cease-Fire Deal
Robin Wright
Monday, February 7, 2005

Click here for the original article on The Washington Post website.

Anderson reported from Jerusalem. Correspondent Molly Moore contributed to this report.

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