It’s Too Late for Later

People worldwide, even those in the least developed nations, are fully aware of the causes and dangers associated with global warming. “‘Later’ was a luxury for previous generations and civilizations,” writes New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. The planet’s transforming before our eyes – polar ice melting at faster rates, tides moving higher along coastlines and the population of some species declining at alarming rates. Human priorities continue to emphasize short-term economic gain over long-term environmental protection, attitudes that essentially endorse plundering resources from future generations. “Too many countries are now chasing too few fish, trees and water resources, and are either devouring their own or plundering those of neighbors at alarming rates,” Friedman warns. Every individual has a responsibility to assess his or her own impact on the planet and take immediate action. – YaleGlobal

It’s Too Late for Later

Thomas L. Friedman
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Click here to read the article in The New York Times.

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