Japan-South Korea Ties Take Turn for Worse

Two recent diplomatic snafus by Japan have resulted in a flaring up of tensions with South Korea. The first is a prefectural government proclamation of a Japanese commemorative day on Takeshima, an uninhabited island in the Sea of Japan that both countries claim. The other is the proposed publication of a Japanese history book which paints Japan’s period of colonial rule over South Korea in favorable terms. Both incidents reveal that, beneath a veneer of cordiality fostered by a sharing of popular culture and improved relations at the political level, bilateral relations remain uncertain and at times edgy. But with the United States redoubling its efforts to re-engage North Korea in multilateral talks, any disputes between its partners in that delicate diplomatic effort may prove detrimental beyond the feuding neighbors. – YaleGlobal

Japan-South Korea Ties Take Turn for Worse

Kakumi Kobayashi
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

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