A Journey for Change

The Statute of Liberty, who promises open arms to all immigrants rich and poor, will soon be greeted by some of her new Americans. In an attempt to recapture the spirit of anti-racism activism in the 1960s, thousands are traveling across America's 'Heartland' to decry anti-immigrant prejudice. The US has long prided itself on being a nation of immigrants, but this pride – captured most prominently in the inscription on the Statue of Liberty – has always been tempered by strong anti-immigrant fears, stemming from concerns about limited employment or simple prejudice. These modern-day Freedom Riders want to bring back the nation's original promise to welcome immigration and diversity, and so will travel to New York on October 4th from all across the country to celebrate new and old Americans alike. – YaleGlobal

A Journey for Change

Jessie Mangaliman
Wednesday, September 24, 2003

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