In Kashmir Sequel, Seeking a New Ending
According to New York Times writer Celia W. Dugger, ''confrontations between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the beautiful Himalayan land, have unfolded like movie sequels with the same discouraging plot line. But recently, the sheer force of events seems to have fast-forwarded the story line between these old enemies and suddenly a different, more hopeful ending seems possible, if still unlikely.'' Dugger provides a lucid news analysis of crackdown by the President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, on two Pakistan-based Islamic terrorist groups accused of launching attacks against India. For the first time, Indian officials are considering the possibility that Musharraf may be prepared to alter Pakistan's longstanding strategy of fomenting anti-Indian violence in Kashmir, a state that both India and Pakistan claim as part of their country. Analysts in India believe that Musharraf may be bending under severe pressure from the US and extreme military threat from India. Further, the arrests of Islamic militants may in fact disguise a new anti-India strategy. – YaleGlobal
In Kashmir Sequel, Seeking a New Ending
Wednesday, January 2, 2002
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