Lack of Bees Could Cause “Wonky Strawberries”
England’s bees are vanishing faster than anywhere else in Europe, reports Louis Gray for the Telegraph. With bees responsible for up to one third of the food supply, the British government is funding research to track down reasons behind the disappearance and find ways to boost populations. Insect pollinators contribute £440 million to the British economy, researchers estimate. Climate change, habitat loss, pesticides and monoculture farming practices are already listed as possible culprits. Practices within the agriculture industry can work at cross purposes. – YaleGlobal
Lack of Bees Could Cause “Wonky Strawberries”
Britain faces a food crisis within a generation due to the decline of honey bees, according to the leading thinkers in a new government project to solve the mystery of why insects are vanishing from the countryside
Friday, June 25, 2010
Louise Gray is environmental correspondent for the Telegraph.
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