“In Larger Freedom”: Decision Time at the UN
The wide range of threats afflicting different regions today complicates international collaboration. In an interconnected world, however, these threats are often more closely related than we realize. Extreme poverty and civil conflict in one country, for example, encourage terrorist groups to strike in another; the outbreak of disease in a region with poor health care may spread to wealthier areas by air travel. According to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, "All of us are vulnerable to what we think of as dangers that threaten only other people." Annan believes that a collective security system is necessary to combat these threats, but that for the UN to fill such a role, massive changes are required. Here, he presents his vision for the future of the UN, outlining the changes that will enable it to respond not only to war, terrorism, and arms proliferation, but also to fight poverty, disease, and environmental degradation – issues inextricably tied to security. He underscores the need to recognize that "our safety, our prosperity – indeed, our freedom – is indivisible." – YaleGlobal
"In Larger Freedom": Decision Time at the UN
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Click here for the original article on the Foreign Affairs website.
Kofi Annan is Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Copyright 2002-2005 by the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. From the May/June 2005 issue of Foreign Affairs.