At Least 7 Nations Tied To Pakistani Nuclear Ring
US and Pakistani intelligence officials recently denounced the founder of Pakistan's nuclear program Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for illegally trading nuclear technology to other nations. After Dr. Khan's confession, officials now find themselves confronted with the terrible realizations this new information. Dr. Khan's network to sell nuclear materials seems to have extended to, at the minimum, Libya, North Korea, and Iran. Other nations, including Iraq and Syria, are also implicated. The extent to how much each country received in terms of nuclear bomb-making information and technology is still being uncovered. Libya, for example, received actual blueprints, and Iran is known to have procured key technology to enrich uranium. The US presented information concerning Khan's movements to Pakistan President Musharraf, who was stunned by the detailed evidence. How could Pakistan have been in the dark about its own security breaches? – YaleGlobal
At Least 7 Nations Tied To Pakistani Nuclear Ring
Saturday, February 7, 2004
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