Libya to Give Up Arms Programs, Bush Announces

After nine months of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, Libya has agreed to quit its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs. According to US and UK officials, Libya's leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, approached the two countries at the outset of the Iraq War to discuss the issue. Analysts have long suspected Libya of having a nuclear program, despite the country's signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. US President George W. Bush says that the decision is a vindication of the American-led war on Iraq. By demonstrating American resolve, his administration says, the war has shown Libya and other would-be rogue nations that the US and its allies will stand for no such threats to international security. – YaleGlobal

Libya to Give Up Arms Programs, Bush Announces

David E. Sanger
Saturday, December 20, 2003

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