Lula’s Message for Two Worlds
First he inspired hope at a crowded haven for anti-globalizers. Then he received an ecstatic greeting from a globalized assembly of free traders meeting at a playground for the rich. Brazil's new president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, moved last week between Porto Alegre and Davos with amazing ease. He was elected last year on a populist platform that railed against neo-liberal economics and globalization. But now that he's in office, 'Lula' is trying to reach out to foreign investors and financial institutions. Playing both sides of the issue will require a lot of skill, but this charismatic leader may just pull it off. –YaleGlobal
Lula’s Message for Two Worlds
Can Brazil's president continue to appeal to Porto Alegre as well as Davos?
Thursday, January 30, 2003
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