Making Globalization Work for All

When world leaders met at the UN’s Millennium Assembly four years ago, they laid out ambitious proposals to alleviate global poverty, hunger, disease, and illiteracy. Yet in spite of a rhetorical commitment to development, says economist Jeffrey Sachs, rich nations like the US have been unwilling to commit the necessary aid. Much of the developing world is experiencing rising poverty and needs larger budgets to jumpstart economic growth. “The IMF should spend less time telling the poorest of the poor to cut their spending, and more time telling rich countries to give more money to help the poor meet their investment needs," Sachs concludes. - YaleGlobal

Making Globalization Work for All

Jeffrey D. Sachs
Saturday, October 2, 2004

Click here for the original article on The Daily Times website.

Jeffrey D. Sachs is Professor of Economics and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University

© Daily Times. Reprinted from the Daily Times, 2 September 2004.