McChrystal Tests Obama’s Priorities

Throughout history generals have griped about civilian commanders, as summarized by this New York Times article. But with the internet and instant global communication, such complaints do not remain secret long, exposed to colleagues and enemies alike. Any hint of insubordination or internal divisions adds to war’s complexity, dulling public support in the homeland and afar. Complaints by General Stanley McChrystal about the Obama administration to a Rolling Stone reporter reveal multiple divides over the US Afghanistan war strategy. US President Barack Obama accepted the general’s resignation as commander of US forces in Afghanistan and appointed General David Petraeus to take on those duties. Still, McChrystal’s criticism prompts political leaders of all countries affected to apply fresh scrutiny to Afghanistan – the counterinsurgency strategy, scheduling, as well as funding or troop requests. History shows that some dissent can clarify the mission. – YaleGlobal

McChrystal Tests Obama’s Priorities

David Sanger
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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