A McDonald’s Ally in Paris

Despite the theft of a plastic figure of Ronald McDonald and the bulldozer attack of one restaurant – all to protest the Americanization of France – the French continue to dine at McDonald’s. Learning from the attacks, a McDonald’s executive started an ad campaign to educate consumers about the corporation, its all-French ingredients and employees. Europe now has more than 6,000 McDonald’s, with more than 1,000 in France. Part of McDonald’s success in France comes from blurring national lines and introducing French ingredients to the menu. McDonald’s fast and affordable service makes it ideal for adults with children, as few traditional restaurants in France are child-friendly. Despite pranks and insults, the company performs well in Europe and operating profits in France are second only to those of the US. McDonald’s owes its triumph in France to a curious combination of French disdain for US culture and admiration for US enterprise. – YaleGlobal

A McDonald’s Ally in Paris

John Tabliabue
Friday, June 23, 2006

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