Mice Starting to Win in the Beijing Blogosphere
Computers add to the challenges of censorship in the world’s most populated nation. “Tens of millions of mice over-ran China's internet trap this year, swamping it with chatter, nibbling towards freedom of speech,” explains Kirsty Needham, writing for the Sydney Morning Herald. China has more than 100 million bloggers, and natural disaster, political protests, business fraud and corruption fuel online complaints. “The twisted reports and deliberate silence of the Communist Party's traditional propaganda machine – state-owned newspapers and television – were held to ridicule by swift-moving mice that scrutinised, uncovered and spread little pieces of competing truth,” notes Needham. People with computers no longer accept official education, history or journalism and instead study online analysis of events and think for themselves. – YaleGlobal
Mice Starting to Win in the Beijing Blogosphere
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Click here to read the article The Sydney Morning Herald.
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