Mixing Sushi and Samba
Brazil is home to 1.8 million people of Japanese descent, the largest Japanese immigrant population in the world. The first Japanese immigrants came to Brazil in 1908 to work as coffee laborers after the abolition of slavery, and most had the opportunity to achieve an education and relative wealth within one or two generations. Nowadays, Japanese Brazilians have had an influence on Brazilian culture that extends from the introduction of commercial pepper cultivation to the creation of Brazilian jiu jitsu. CNN’s Milena Veselinovic interviewed first-, second-, and third-generation Brazilians of Japanese descent and suggests that the mix of both cultures often has unexpected results. The rich cultural fusion influences all aspects of life from language to religion, food and parenting. – YaleGlobal
Mixing Sushi and Samba
Brazil has the largest Japanese immigrant population in the world, and the cultural fusión extends to food, martial arts, architecture and more
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Click here for the article in CNN.
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