The Moral Issue of Our Time

Taking steps to reduce climate change is shaping into a moral cause. For his first major encyclical, Pope Francis will address climate change, prior to the UN Climate Change Conference later this year: “People of all ages, from all demographics and all corners of the planet, are beginning to recognize that significant changes are occurring in our ecosystem, and they’d like to see someone, anyone, do something about it,” writes Jeff Nesbitt for US News & World Report. “They’re beginning to challenge leaders to act boldly.” At this point, analysts can only guess what Pope Francis will say, but they anticipate a direct explanation, a list of reasons why humans have a duty to reduce their own dependence on fossil fuels and be good stewards of the planet. The message could influence a billion Catholics, but may polarize them, too, while leaving many to ponder how high fertility rates stress the environment. Pope Francis continues in his role as an outspoken advocate for the poor and vulnerable, the very groups that climate change will hurt most. – YaleGlobal

The Moral Issue of Our Time

Pope Francis' climate change encyclical will be a huge step for the church – transforming a divisive political issue into a moral cause
Jeff Nesbit
Friday, April 24, 2015
Jeff Nesbit was the National Science Foundation’s director of legislative and public affairs in the Bush and Obama administrations; former Vice President Dan Quayle’s communications director; the FDA’s public affairs chief; and a national journalist with Knight-Ridder and others. He’s the executive director of Climate Nexus and the author of 24 books, including “Jude“ and “The Books of El.” His latest novel, “Perfect Ambition,” will be released in June 2015.
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