More in US Grow Wary of Globalization

The US was a leading proponent of globalization throughout the 20th century, and most Americans approved of the phenomenon in 2001. Just a decade later, about two-thirds of Americans polled report disapproval of globalization’s acceleration, particularly if it threatens US status as the globe’s leading economy. At the same time, Americans are aware that “durability of an interconnected world economy is the primary factor in global stability,” but are increasingly wary about US abilities to compete globally, reports a team on the Washington Post poll. One third listed a fragile global economy as a major threat to stability. Most Americans polled report the nation is headed in the wrong direction, and 87 percent describe the economy as negative. Recognizing the difficulties could be the first step toward solutions and required sacrifices. The desire to compete and recognition of trade’s value for stability could prevent protectionism and a self-imposed isolation that would compound the difficulties. – YaleGlobal

More in US Grow Wary of Globalization

Americans are torn between putting brakes to globalization and recognizing the value
Jon Cohen, Peyton M. Craighill
Friday, February 4, 2011
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