A Muslim Creationism Debate: Taking on Darwin in Turkey

Fundamentalist Muslims join forces with fundamentalist Christians in protesting the work of British naturalist Charles Darwin, who offered the theory on natural selection as a mechanism to evolution. Darwin theorized that offspring inherit traits from their parents, some traits allow for better survival rates and over time species adapt to changes in the environment – all well documented by countless reviews of the fossil records. According to a report by Daniel Steinvorth for Spiegel Online, Harun Yahya in Turkey suggests that “Darwinism is the root of all the world's evils,” and unless eradicated, will prevent the return of messiahs like Jesus or Mahdi and the resolution of global conflicts. Some religious leaders profit by developing what seem like easy fixes and playing on fears over science’s discoveries and complexities. They distract followers from thinking about real issues and determining the truth for themselves, and show little genuine interest in tackling major global problems. – YaleGlobal

A Muslim Creationism Debate: Taking on Darwin in Turkey

Daniel Steinvorth
Friday, September 26, 2008

Click here for the article on Spiegel Online.

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