Muslim Rivals Unite In Baghdad Uprising

When the US led occupation forces entered Iraq almost a year ago, they had hoped to turn the deep rooted and bitter rivalries between Sunni and Shiite Muslims to their advantage. According to several accounts, the Shiite Muslims suffered tremendous state-sanctioned atrocities during Saddam Hussein's regime. The US led occupation forces sought pro-American supporters in the Shiite population. But that was a year ago. A year later, as the transition to democratic rule in Iraq remains tenuous, Shiite and Sunni Iraqis are joining hands in widespread anti-American militia action. Shiite supporters of the US-led occupation are increasingly disenchanted with the US-backed Governing Council. Internal differences of faith and politics that had initially divided the Iraqi population now appear to be over-ridden by a shared anti-American sentiment. –YaleGlobal

Muslim Rivals Unite In Baghdad Uprising

Karl Vick
Wednesday, April 7, 2004

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