N. Korea Says It Has Nuclear Arms

Talks opened on Wednesday between North Korea, China, and the United States to discuss solutions to a burgeoning nuclear crisis in the Korean peninsula. Instead of a resolution, the talks brought out the news that the Korean nuclear program may be further along than they had originally admitted. Korean officials claim to have built a nuclear weapon and almost finished the reprocessing of 8,000 spent fuel rods into weapons-grade plutonium that could be made into more weapons. The possible outcomes of the crisis are, as yet, unknown, though North Korean rhetoric is suggesting that a quick escalation of tensions may come any day. As Li Gun, the top North Korean at the talks told US Undersecretary of State, James Kelly, "We can't dismantle them…It's up to you whether we do a physical demonstration or transfer them." – YaleGlobal

N. Korea Says It Has Nuclear Arms

At Talks With U.S., Pyongyang Threatens 'Demonstration' or Export of Weapon
Glenn Kessler
Friday, April 25, 2003

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