Nakba Protests Bring Arab Spring to Israel’s Doorstep

Israel serves as a flashpoint for Arab anger, with tens of thousands of Palestinians and supporters gathering along its borders in Lebanon, Syria and Egypt to protest the nation’s 63rd anniversary. Lebanese and Israeli security forces used firepower and tear gas to control crowds, with 15 deaths reported. Protests against Israel are convenient for Arab leaders struggling with democracy movements, suggests Ariel Zirulnick for the Christian Science Monitor. Some rulers have long fomented hatred of Israel as a way to deflect criticism from their own regimes, and encouraging such protests against a limited target could preview the unrest that might transpire should harsh authoritarian regimes fall. Israel and Lebanon have filed complaints with the UN Security Council. Analysts suggest ongoing violence and calls for Israel’s destruction could serve as evidence of the Palestinians lacking a reliable system of governance and could hamper their drive for international recognition of sovereignty. – YaleGlobal

Nakba Protests Bring Arab Spring to Israel's Doorstep

The unprecedented Arab protests on Israel's borders, pegged to the 63rd anniversary of Israel's declaration of statehood, resulted in at least 10 dead and hundreds wounded
Ariel Zirulnick
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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