National Review: Robot Overlords

People, nervous about robots taking away jobs for humans, also expect immediate and affordable information, service and comforts. Kevin Williamson, writing for National Review, describes how regulation can quickly devolve into protectionism, designed to contain rapid change and preserve traditions. He notes that an individual’s views can swing wildly between Libertarianism or fascism depending on the topic, and it may be an open question whether religious beliefs, self-discipline or local culture does more to encourage adherence to society’s rules. Still, he concludes that a shared culture may support compliance with rules and eliminate the need for overt regulations. “The more people are inclined to follow the rules, the less rule enforcement you need,” explains Williamson. “The more people know what they need to do, the less they need to be told what to do.”– YaleGlobal

National Review: Robot Overlords

A community’s reception for robots could hinge on culture and the tasks robots assume and the tone with which they are introduced
Kevin D. Williamson
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Read the article from National Review about robots, regulation and culture.

Kevin D. Williamson is the roving correspondent for National Review.

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