Nations Try to Contain COVID-19 Economic Damage: DW
Nations Try to Contain COVID-19 Economic Damage: DW
Read the article from Deutsche Welle about nations preparing emergency economic-assistance pagages
Cities shut down: The United States represented about 15 percent, Europe represented 16 percent and China represented 18 percent of the global GDP, all adjusted for purchasing power parity, in 2018 (Source: Deutsche Welle and US News & World Report; photo of Wall Street, Reuters)
Also read “New York Fed Pledges to Offer $1 trillion a day in Overnight Repo Loans” from Reuters: “The Fed said it will offer up to $500 billion in overnight repo loans each morning and an additional $500 billion in overnight repo loans each afternoon. This is the latest effort from the central bank to keep markets operating smoothly despite volatility related to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Investopedia explains the repo market: “A repurchase agreement (repo) is a form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. In the case of a repo, a dealer sells government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day at a slightly higher price. That small difference in price is the implicit overnight interest rate. Repos are typically used to raise short-term capital. They are also a common tool of central bank open market operations.”