Netanyahu’s Win Is Good for Palestine

Benjamin Netanyahu handily won re-election in Israel, in part perhaps to a last-minute declaration that he would not support a Palestinian state. “Netanyahu’s victory is actually the best plausible outcome for those seeking to end Israel’s occupation,” writes Yousef Munayyer in an opinion essay for the New York Times, adding that “political dynamics in Israel and internationally mean that another term with Mr. Netanyahu at the helm could actually hasten the end of Israel’s apartheid policies.” External forces will press for fair policies, and a harsh stance could isolate Israel in a world where 0.2 percent are Jewish and 24 percent are Muslim, according to the Jewish Press. The ongoing conflict contributes to regional instability, and stateless Palestinians are a problem that will not quickly vanish. The cost of occupation and security tax the Israeli economy. Politico and other sources report that the United States may back away from its lonely defensive stance and vetoes favoring Israel in international forums including the United Nations. Munayyer concludes, “Palestinians must demand the right to live on their land, but also free movement, equal treatment under the law, due process, voting rights and freedom from discrimination.” - YaleGlobal

Netanyahu’s Win Is Good for Palestine

Netanyahu handily wins re-election after declaring he will not support Palestinian state; the US may back away from defending Israel in international forums
Yousef Munayyer
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Yousef Munayyer is executive director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
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